Over 30, 000 views!

Hi Everyone:

Just discover that in 5 short years having a blog site that we have over 30, 000 views.

Peace, Love, the surfin' the web.

-IPYNC Staff

2017 Green Crab Project

Hi everyone:

All campers in this summer's "Big Kids" camp received permits to trap, collect data and destroy the invasive species, the green crab. Green crabs compete with native crabs and lobster for food and shelter, destroy shell fish and damage eelgrass beds, which are essential habitats for many species.

Campers in teams of four placed 8 traps in the St. Margaret's Bay, just off of the I.P.Y.N.C's Boathouse Institute of Oceanography ( BIO for short :).

In total, 155 green crabs were trapped over two days of camps.  This data has been submitted to Fisheries and Oceans Canada to aid in research.  To learn more about the invasive green crab, please visit http://www.inter.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Maritimes/AIS/European-Green-Crab .

Peace, Love and Permits,

- IPYNC Staff